Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Episode 23:The World Series w/ J.D

World Series time! St. Louis vs Boston, two storied franchises with a lot of history and the two most obnoxious fan-bases in baseball.  Jason "J.D" Dondlinger from View from Bernie's Chalet joins the podcast to talk about what to watch for in the upcoming series, recap our disastrous pre-season predictions in March (Episode 9), and give our final predictions on who we think will win the 2013 World Series, and who may walk away as the MVP...hint hint, I think it may be this guy below.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Episode 22: Fall Songs Considrered

On the latest episode of Armchairs & Earphones Mark from Hey Johnny! & Kelly Marks join the podcast to talk about our favorite fall records.  We each go through our top ten favorite records to listen to in the fall and talk about them, defend them, and become annoyed that there were bands that we left off of this list that should have been included (this of course is in hindsight after the podcast).

So put on your favorite hoodie, pour a cup of coffee, grab a piece of pumpkin bread and enjoy as we disclose some great fall albums we hope you check out and enjoy!

Mark's #1

Kelly's #1

Jay's #1